When to Get Intimate in a New Relationship?

When we are attracted to someone, keeping out intentions in our pants is a difficult task. We often fantasise about how wonderful sleeping with them will be. These feelings are often curbed when you want to get into a real relationship rather than just a hookup. You would want to take things slow to prevent yourself from being hurt. This kind of behaviour also showcases your maturity and level of responsibility towards the person you are dating. It also sets your intentions right and avoids wastage of time in any manner whatsoever. Intimacy is a beautiful feeling in a relationship but you must know when to move forward to intimate in a new relationship.
But, when we are surrounded by who often talk about how wonderful their night was with someone. It is a difficult task for you to avoid such behaviour. To help you make the right decision on when to get intimate in a new relationship, we have listed a few pointers to guide you into this process towards a healthy experience;
Tell them your intention
The most important part of being in any relationship is the level of transparency. This transparency strongly showcases your character. It highlights your level of maturity to handle responsibility not just for yourself but also for the person you are dating. When you take things slow, you build a deeper connection with the person you are interested in. This ultimately results in a better sexual experience.
Know them better
When you are in a relationship already, you may often wonder about the best time to get intimate in a relationship. The simple answer to that query is that when you have known them enough. Enough is often subjective and differs for every individual. A benchmark would be by thoroughly knowing their likes and interests. Also matching them up with yours helps you test and evaluate your compatibility with them.
Spend more time
The best way to know someone better is by spending more time with them. Spending time does not just mean that you go on a lot of fines dining dates but being with them in every part of their life when they are with you? It means you can go for grocery shopping with them and know which is their favourite M&M colour. You can also accompany them to the Zumba class to see how much they are having. Somewhere along the line, you might also realise that you enjoy the things they do and vice versa to help you see your lives together in a clearer way.
Know your priorities
When you prioritise your partner over every important thing in your life, usually answers the question, when is the right time to be intimate in a relationship. You feel great to have them accompany you at the most boring movie you have ever seen and still come out having a ball because they were with you. You plan your holidays according to their schedule and not yours. You may also do things that you have never done before such as cooking for them. These things indicate that your relationship has gone to the next level and you can get set with the next step of being intimate with them.
With these simple pointers, you can gauge the right time to be intimate with someone special.