Category: Dating

Factors to consider for dating a girl in Canada
Are you trying to woo a Canadian girl? Well, good on you for such an amazing choice. Canadians are some of the most easy-going, well-mannered and dateable girls on this planet. But hold up there. They’re a ‘handle with care’ bunch and today we are going to tell you a few factors that you need … Continue reading “Factors to consider for dating a girl in Canada”

How has the dating trend changed in the last 5 years
The landscape of dating trend has undergone significant transformations in the past five years, as technological advancements, changing cultural norms, and evolving societal expectations have taken over the world. Modern romance has evolved in more ways than we know. In this article, we delve into the key changes that have redefined the way individuals seek … Continue reading “How has the dating trend changed in the last 5 years”

Friends with ex – Pros and Cons to know before you do so
Breaking up with your partner is bad enough, but remaining friends with them? Now that’s the tricky part. Being friends with ex can be difficult and most of us would not even think of exploring the idea. However, it is not impossible to be friends with your ex. A lot of people, some of whom … Continue reading “Friends with ex – Pros and Cons to know before you do so”

5 Main Red Flags in Dating
Red flags are the warning signs that you need to look out for when taking any sort of interest in a person. People always show us who they are in the first few meetings. We choose to avoid it and these small flags later end up being big problems in relationships. Today we are going … Continue reading “5 Main Red Flags in Dating”

New trend of dating in Canada
Did you know that more than 50% of Canadian young adults are registered on dating sites? Did you know that Canadian youth are known to be experimental with dating and a generally fun and open-minded class of people? Well, now you know. And just like that, we are also going to tell you about the … Continue reading “New trend of dating in Canada”