How to Date Casually Without Commitment?

Date Casually without Commitment

In Random Dating by Sexy Crush,

Commitment is the biggest problem in today’s generation. They feel that to give a commitment to the future without knowing what lies ahead is one of the biggest mistakes they shall make. Even after being with a partner for over a decade, people find it very difficult to take responsibility for someone they love. The entire idea of running away from commitment is nothing but a mechanism to escape. Escape the reality that you can be responsible for someone just the way your parents were for you in any form whatsoever. The idea is very scary for them to assure someone an available shoulder at all times. Always convey your intention with your partner if you want to date casually without commitment.

This psychology is born out of many factors such as the fractioned relationships with parents, a troubled childhood, lack of emotions and lastly laziness.

But as this phenomenon of non-committed relationship is on a rise, here are a few tips to help you on the topic of how to date casually without commitment;


Express your intention
If you intend to date without commitment, you must express your intention to your partner right at the start of the relationship. This helps you set the expectations right and avoid the heartbreak of both parties. This also helps you keep your emotions in check.


Don’t be available at all times

The major difference between committed and non-committed relationships is the availability of partners for each other. If you are available at all times, it is easier for your partner to assume that you are very serious about the whole thing and will take you for granted. The best way to do this is by scheduling your date nights to help keep you your professional and personal life in check.


Have a life of your own
if you like someone; it can be difficult to put a deadline to the relationship. Therefore, if you intend to be in a non-committed relationship, you must set a timeline on how long should you date without a commitment? If you cross the timeline yourself, you may just have fallen in love.


Don’t move in together

One of the biggest steps in modern-day relationships is moving in together before marriage. This raises the bar of the relationship and the level of trust you may have on one another to share a roof with someone you love. If you have met someone recently and intend to not last the relationship for long, you must refrain from asking someone to move in with you.


Keep your group of friend’s separate
One of the biggest problems that people in a non-committed relationship face when they spend too much time with their partner that they involve their friends in it. That’s because, if they become friends with both of you, asking them to choose when you have separated, can get uncomfortable.


With these simple tips, you can have a happy non-committed relationship.  You can enjoy a short-term non-committed stint without losing out on your friends, personal life, mental trauma and heartache for both of you.

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